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Masters Management Dissertation Outline Sample

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Masters Management Dissertation Outline Sample


The primary objective of this research is to gain comprehensive insights into how Brexit has impacted the technology sector within the United Kingdom, particularly within the context of multinational corporations. As Sutherland (2017) highlighted, the UK’s digital economy is experiencing remarkable growth, outpacing the broader economy, with an estimated annual value of £97 billion for the entire nation.

Nonetheless, the Brexit referendum and the subsequent decision to exit the European Union have ushered in significant shifts within the political and economic landscape of the country. It is essential to note that the technology sector in the UK holds a unique position, being the largest among the G20 nations, making it especially susceptible to transformative changes associated with Brexit.

According to McCullagh (2017), most UK-based technology firms initially favored remaining within the European Union. They anticipated the need for substantial adjustments in their corporate policies and regulations to align with the post-Brexit governance. Furthermore, it is imperative to recognize that Brexit’s implications extend to critical areas such as data privacy, telecommunications, and financial technology (fintech), which are poised for significant transformations due to evolving regulations and potential revisions.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the transfer of personal data from the European Union to the UK is contingent upon implementing robust safeguards to protect the integrity of UK data. In this context, tech company leaders have proposed aligning their operations with the stringent adequacy standards required to secure an adequacy decision from the European Commission.

Considering these multifaceted factors, this research aims to rigorously analyze the profound influence of Brexit on the technology sector, with a specific focus on its implications for Vodafone within the United Kingdom.

Aims and Objectives

The central aim of this study is to gain a comprehensive understanding of how Brexit has exerted its influence on the United Kingdom’s technology sector, particularly within the domain of multinational corporations. To achieve this objective, the researcher has chosen Vodafone Company as the focal point of the case study, given its prominent position as a leader within the UK’s technology sector. The following objectives have been delineated to guide the dissertation’s entirety:

  1. To ascertain the significance of Brexit within the United Kingdom.
  2. To conduct an in-depth examination of the challenges confronting the technology sector within the UK in the post-Brexit landscape.
  3. To critically evaluate how Brexit has impacted the technology sector of multinational corporations, drawing insights from the case study of Vodafone.
  4. To formulate strategic recommendations for Vodafone aimed at mitigating and addressing the challenges associated with Brexit in the United Kingdom.


The research methodology assumes a pivotal role within this study, as it serves as the cornerstone for aligning the research’s trajectory with the overarching aims and objectives of the dissertation. In this investigation, the qualitative research paradigm has been chosen as the most appropriate avenue to scrutinize the impact of Brexit on the United Kingdom’s technology sector, primarily from the vantage point of Vodafone operating within the UK.

The researcher will collect primary data through interactions with Vodafone’s managerial personnel to fulfill this objective. These individuals will provide valuable insights into the challenges that Vodafone confronts in light of Brexit, as well as the strategic measures it intends to employ in addressing these challenges in the future. The data collection process will encompass semi-structured interviews involving a selection of 8 to 10 managers, contingent upon logistical feasibility and researcher discretion.

In tandem with the primary data, secondary data will also be gathered to substantiate the contextual backdrop, offering factual and statistical support for comprehending Brexit’s implications on the United Kingdom’s technology sector. These secondary sources will underpin the comprehensive literature review central to this study.

The primary data analysis, acquired through semi-structured interviews, will be conducted utilizing thematic analysis techniques. This methodological approach involves delineating and codifying key themes grounded in the responses provided by the study’s participants. Importantly, it will be an unwavering commitment of the researcher to ensure the confidentiality and safeguarding of the personal information of all participating individuals.

To craft a comprehensive Master’s dissertation outline, following a structured approach is essential. Here are the steps broken down for your convenience:

1. Define Research Topic and Objectives

Begin by clearly defining your research topic. Provide a concise, well-articulated statement of what your dissertation aims to investigate. Enumerate the specific research objectives that will guide your study.

2. Create a Detailed Introduction

The introduction sets the stage for your dissertation. It should captivate the reader’s interest while providing a clear overview of the research area. It should also introduce your research questions, objectives, and the significance of your study.

3. Outline Main Chapters and Sections

Organize the main body of your dissertation into chapters and sections. Each chapter should have a clear purpose and contribution to your research. Common chapters include literature review, methodology, data analysis, and discussion. Depending on your topic, you may have additional chapters or subsections.

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • Background and context
    • Research problem and objectives
    • Significance of the study
    • Structure of the dissertation
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review
    • Review of relevant literature
    • Theoretical framework
    • Research gaps and questions
  • Chapter 3: Methodology
    • Research design
    • Data collection methods
    • Data analysis techniques
    • Ethical considerations
  • Chapter 4: Data Analysis
    • Presentation of data
    • Data analysis and interpretation
    • Subsections for each research question/objective
  • Chapter 5: Discussion
    • Discussion of findings
    • Comparison with literature
    • Implications for theory and practice
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion
    • Summary of key findings
    • Contribution to the field
    • Limitations and future research

4. Plan Methodology and Data Analysis

In the methodology chapter, elaborate on the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques you’ll employ. Explain how these methods align with your research objectives.

5. Summarize Findings and Conclusions

Present and interpret your research findings in the data analysis and discussion chapters. Relate them to your research questions and objectives. Conclude by summarizing the main insights gained from your study and discussing their implications.

6. Include References and a Bibliography

List all the sources you’ve cited throughout your dissertation in a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA). Ensure that your bibliography is comprehensive and follows the same citation style.

By following these steps, you’ll create a well-structured Master’s dissertation outline that forms the foundation for your research project.

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